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:: Leaders Of Love Retreat :: With Robbie Fear & Kayla Anderson

Leaders of Love retreats welcome you to a deeply sacred gathering...
A space where leaders unite to be held in deep transformation as they uncover their next level of sensual power, devotion to love and self worth in their life and leadership. Take our hand as we lead you to uncharted depths of the version of you that longs to step into her fullest expression.

You will love this experience if you are ready for...

+ Devotion to self-love and confidence

+ Learn how to tune in and express your needs, boundaries and desires in your relationships

+ Deep connection to your full body YES & NO

+ Learn how to transmute emotion & stuck energy through somatic dance and movement

+ Gain clarity in the medicine you have to share with this world

+ New depths and unexplored parts of yourself

+ Transmuting shame and insecurity into acceptance and expansion

+ Deep healing and uncovering the stories and limiting beliefs

+ Connection to bliss and your most pleasure-filled self

+ Laughter, fun, enjoying life

+ Deep safety in sisterhood & being celebrated by your community

+ Connection to your soul's mission & the steps to lead others with love

+ Potent, transformational sacred ceremony, workshops and 1:1 healing and coaching

Picture this….
You wake up to the sound of birds, the sun is rising through the windows of your luxury villa overlooking the West Coast ocean of New Zealand, Aotearoa

You spend an entire week immersed in morning rituals, heart - opening cacao ceremonies, dancing, poetry & creative writing, transformative breathwork, expansive voice activation, hiking, wild ocean dip, sacred women's circles, sensual massage, grounding yoga practices, fire rituals, art expression & conscious connection.

2023 is the year of bravery, of letting go, of breaking old patterns, of deepening your relationship with yourself, and being held in sisterhood.

This is the year we invest our money back into OURSELVES, into healing and into our pleasure.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in a mix of playful and sacred experiences?

We will guide you to your edge, and to new depths.

You will laugh and you will cry.

There will be moments of discomfort and tough emotions - we will be meeting these head on, shining the light on the parts of us that feel hard to love. Transmuting fear, shame and insecurity into acceptance, and expansive possibilities.

This is a safe and sacred space, where you will be held, seen and supported in your growth, as you connect with your fellow sisters and deepen your self-acceptance.

This retreat is for the brave, for the woman who is ready to explore her power….

And we will do it all in STYLE… at the luxurious Kula retreat centre in Muriwai

With Love,

Robbie + Kayla

For further information and to book your space at this Retreat, head to the the Leaders of Love event website HERE

August 16

:: Winter Wellness Yoga Retreat :: with Purnima Trasi